Spring Garden 2020

Grow a Quarantine Garden

During the early COVID-19 Quarantine, people throughout the world mourned, wrung hands, and scrolled through endless newsfeeds in search of information, a solution, and hope. Others took refuge in their gardens. Throughout our town, people completed garden renovation projects. We undertook a total transformation of our backyard garden. We dug out grass for a more formal garden and had 10 cubic yards each of loam and mulch delivered. Then came 6 cubic yards of pea stone to create paths that linked several gardens together. After about two months of full time labor and several hip and back injuries, we had a beautiful backyard oasis that we have enjoyed all summer. Gardening is soul work.

If you are interested in creating a garden or renovating yours, start with planning your hardscape. That is the lay of the land, where the paths, beds, and lounge areas will be placed. If you have not already watched Monty Don’s inspiring show, Small Spaces, Big Dreams, check it out on Amazon Prime or Netflix. Paths are best laid directly towards your primary areas of interest that you will be frequently using. Then don’t be afraid of digging up grass and planting garden beds. It was hard for us to do that, both emotionally and physically, but it completely transforms the space and makes the plants more contained and easier to manage. Remember that you can usually order large amounts of loam, mulch and stones from landscape sources, and there are a wealth of beautiful plants you can start from seed and bulb, so you won’t even need to leave your home.

Heather Salazar

Heather Salazar, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy, artist, and certified yoga teacher. She has been teaching philosophy, yoga, and meditation in university classes and at colleges since 2007. Her philosophical research focuses on the intersections of metaethics and philosophy of mind in Eastern and Western traditions and in particular on conceptions of the self and their impact on moral obligations. Her publications include _The Philosophy of Spirituality_, “Descartes’ and Patanjali’s Conceptions of the Self” (Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 2011), "Why Are You Standing on My Yoga Mat?!" in _Yoga - Philosophy for Everyone: Bending Body and Mind_ and “Kantian Business Ethics” in Business in Ethical Focus. She is currently under contract for a monograph which assesses and contributes to neo-Kantian ethical constructivism: _Creating a Shared Morality_ and is co-editing _Mind Over Matter_.

In her art, Salazar specializes in photography, figurative charcoals and monotypes, as well as vivid oil paintings of landscapes and objects of meditation. Salazar’s art is deeply impacted by her philosophical research in philosophy. Her art graces the covers philosophy books such as _The Philosophy of Spirituality_ and all of the books in the series _Introduction to Philosophy__ (Rebus).